Sunshine Grid Tie Power Inverter is the world’s most technologically advanced inverter for use in utility-interactive applications. This manual details the safe installation and opera- tion of the Sunshine Grid Tie Inverter.
This integrated system maximizes energy harvest, increases system reliability, and implifies design, installation and management.
The small type solar grid tie power inverter can obtain the solar energy from solar panel, and can tie to the grid through its output cables with no extra equipment. The installation is very convenient and reliable.
We call the system combining with small solar grid tie inverter and solar panels as ‘SGPV’. The system includes solar panels and small type grid tie inverter and installation kit. Solar panels can be mono silicon, polygon silicon, non-crystal film or any other material that can transform solar energy to electric energy. The power of grid tie inverter should be matched to the power of solar panels connected. So the power of SGPV is defined by its solar panels, it can be standardization according to the actual using.
Fig 1. A Small Grid Tie Power System with the Sunshine Grid Tie Inverter
Multiple inverters can be connected in parallel to creat bigger system.Plug and play installation
Advantage of The Sunshine Grid Tie Power System
There are many advantages of SGPV compare with the traditional grid tie power system.
1.Low cost and easy installation - SGPV can make full use of all types of buildings’ surface that face to the sun in the city as well as fast and easy installation of solar modules and grid tie inverter. It just needs very low maintenance costs.
2.Free combination - SGPV can be used as a separate grid tie system and can be setup as a large solar array with many of them. The quantity of SGPV in the array is just according to your desire. If you are planning to install a grid-tie PV system, in a general way, the solar array and inverter need to be carefully matched to ensure that the inverter’s voltage and power limits are not exceeded. When you want to increase more solar panels, and if the total power of the solar panels exceeds the allocation grid inverter, it is necessary to increase the cost of a grid inverter.
3.Combination of SGPV does not interact - The traditional solar grid tie system, they offer units ranging in high power output and these units are modular so you can have multiple units operating in parallel for large solar arrays. Although, the traditional grid inverter has MPPT feature (Maximum Power Point Tracking), but the maximum power point is according to the entire series in terms of solar panels array, if the performance of a piece of solar panels in the system, for some reason, such as leaves, bird droppings, dust, shadow, etc. and degrades, the performance of the entire solar power system will decrease.
It is in response to the overwhelming clamor from our customers for a product that can control the amount of power that the grid tie inverters (GTI) can generate so that the amount of excess power produced by the solar panels are reduced to insignificant levels, if not eliminated --- because in some countries,the producer pays for the excess power it gives to the distribution grid. This is because the electric power meters (the one provided by the electricity provider in the area) are not aware of the direction of power flow. In other words it only adds even if power is exported to the grid, thus, the consumers will be charged for power even if it is given to the grid, and this is the problem
This is the 2nd generation grid tie inverter with limiter.
With the 2nd generation GTIL,we integrated the limit function inside the GTI-We call this internal limiter.In this way,No additional limiter module is needed,reduced customerrsquos cost,more easier for installation.But in case customer install inverter far away from the main circuit breaker,we also enable the 2nd GTIL work with stand-alone limiter,we call this-external limiter.For sure,the inverter can work under normal Grid tie-no limit mode,just set on the nice LCD and save your setting.
New upgraded firmware enable battery or solar limiter current and power model.
User can set the maximum output power of inverter , this can make the inverter work at cooler contition as user want and extend the lifespan of the inverter .
User can set kick in/off voltage of the inverter which can flexible using with battery bank depend on users mind and can prevent battery bank from over discharged .
Input Data
Input Voltage Range
Max input DC voltage
Peak power tracking voltage
Output Data
Max output power
Nominal Voltage
Nominal Voltage Range
Frequency Range
47.5-51.5 for 50hz,59.3-60.5 for 60hz
Power Factor
Output Waveform
Pure sine wave
Characteristic Data
MPPT Efficiency
Over current protection
Over temperature protection
Reverse polarity protection
Anti-island protection
Just for AC output
Operating temperature range
-20 0C ~ +50 0C
Inverter inside temperature
-20 0C ~ +85 0C
Current THD
Voltage THD
Peak Inverter Efficiency
2 years
There are two phase 240V version, you can connect each phase 120V. This voltage is designed for America, especially the United States.
How to use the Inverter ?
1. Standard Grid Tie Inverter Model
one unit inverter
more than 1 unit inverters stackable
1.1. The Grid Tie inverter converts DC power produced by Solar Panels to AC, connects to the grid and feed all of the power available from the panels to the AC load.
1.2. All excess power that is not needed by the load is then exported to the Grid.
1.3. If the Grid fails, then the Grid Tie Inverter will turn off. When the Grid comes back on line. The Grid Tie Inverter will again supply power to the load and any excess power is exported to the Grid again.
1.4. If the Solar Panel is producing less power and the GTI cannot deliver all the power needed by the load, then power will be supplemented by the Grid.
1.5. Power Meters (Except smart meter) are not aware of the direction of Power flow. The user then pays for the power exported and delivered by the Grid.

2. Using Grid Tie Inverter With Limiter Model
2.1 The Grid Tie Inverter with Limiter delivers only the power needed by the load and prevents delivering excess power hence avoids excess power in going back to the Grid.
2.2 The heart of the Grid Tie Inverter with Limiter is the Limiter Module (LM). The LM continuously sampled the power needed by the load through the current sensor connected after the Main Circuit Breaker. The LM then will process the signal. It then sends signal to Grid Tie Inverter how much power to deliver to the load in real time.
2.3 The user, after installing and connecting the GTIL correctly, need not do anything and the unit will do its work automatically.
3. Installation of GTIL With Internal Limiter
3.1 This installation is not require an additional limiter module,Installation is much easier.Clamp the current sensor cable to the hot wire to measure the current,the internal limiter will auto detect the load power and control the inverter output power,excess power will be well controlled.
3.2 External protective device including dc and ac SPD(Surge protection device),dc and ac breaker,etc is recommended to installed in the system.
4.Limiter Setting on the LCD of the inverter:
The GTIL include three working mode:Work as normal GTI without power limitation.Work under Internal limiter mode and Work under External limiter mode,Pls make your setting on the LCD and save it,details setting operation,pls read the GTI manual.
5 Battery Discharge Power Mode
New upgraded firmware enable battery or solar limiter current and power model.
User can set the maximum output power of inverter , this can make the inverter work at cooler contition as user want and extend the lifespan of the inverter .
User can set kick in/off voltage of the inverter which can flexible using with battery bank depend on users mind and can prevent battery bank from over discharged .
6 Limiter Module Specification
1. Clamp sensor- Max 100A
2. Wattmeter- Max 9999w
3. Terminal Block-Max 20A
4. Receptacle- max 2000w
5. Clamp sensor signal- 5v AC max mA
6. DC signal Cable- 5v DC, max mA
Installing Sunshine Grid Tie Power System to Three Phases Utility Grid.
When the Capacity of Gird Tie Power System is larger, intall all the power system to one
phase of the utility grid is not reasonable, maybe this will cause unbanlance of the three
phase of the utility grid.
In this section, we will explain how to install Sunshine Power System to three phases utility
grid seperately in order to balance the fed power.
Inverter Display Instruction
The Inverter display can show many information,The main interface of the display and the icons explainations are show above.
Set Menu: Choose the set menu icon on the main screen interface,click the confirm button to enter into the interface show below,In this interface,can set the LCD backlight always on or auto turn off backlight after 3 minutes no action.
The inverter also integrate with internal limiter and external limiter function which can prevent excess power from going to the public grid.Select the internal limiter mode,inverter will work under limiter mode,output power of the inverter will be determined by load power.Select the
external limiter mode,inverter need a external limiter module working with it.For more details
about the limiter function,pls contact supplier.
Notes:Save the setting after you reconfigurate the working mode or backlight setting.
Notes: Battery Discharge Current Mode And Battery Discharge Power Mode are not developed yet.
Grid Waveform:This interface will show the real time grid waveform.The grid voltage and frequency also will show in this interface.User can
Energy Menu:The energy interface will show the power generation curve everyday. Today KWH and Total KWH are also show in this page.
Power View: In this interface,the display shows real time power,PV input voltage, inside temperature,date and time.
Clock And Date Setting: Set the clock and date in this page,save the setting before exit.